The 12 Stamps Project



What is the 12 Stamps Project?

The 12 Stamps Project is an initiative to tap the power of the handwritten word and to boost literacy. It’s more vital now than ever – in a digital age, when it seems we’re surgically attached to our phones, laptops and other screens. Someone in your life needs to hear from you: rediscover the impact of a note, card or letter on others. Our premise is simple but potent: buy twelve stamps and  commit to sending twelve notes this year.  Send a note to thank someone who helped you out, whether yesterday or in your childhood. Let them know what their support meant to you. Imagine your words of comfort to someone who is navigating change, or feels a little isolated, or lonely, or stressed with job-hunting.  Share a joke, a quirky observation or  a passionate opinion. Do you recall a special letter or note that boosted or encouraged you? Maybe it celebrated a big milestone, or a small act that still resonates for you. Share your ideas  at @12stamps – we’d love to hear from you!

How do I get started? 

All it takes is stamps,  a little paper and a willingness to have an impact. Some people start a small group at work, their after school club or sorority, while others sprinkle the stamps among family members. An easy way to make a child feel important? Send them mail! Write to your niece, nephew or teen cousin. Tell them that you’ve noticed how well they share, or the confident reader they’ve become, or how much they’ll love college. We’ve seen everyone from first graders to footballers swell with pride. And a child or teen who receives a letter is more likely to write one; this is a powerful life skill for everything from a thank you note to a job application.

For Kids: Take The 12 Stamps pledge! Raise your right hand and repeat after us…

I hereby vow to use my stamps for good, not evil. My words have power, and I will not misuse my power to bully someone, or make fun of them or as a prank.I will use my words to positive effect, such as to encourage someone, or boost someone, or thank someone.

Book Alicia to speak at your school, campus, community group or corporation. 

Alicia is a dynamic speaker and draws on her background in TV and radio journalism to weave compelling stories. She has lived in eight countries, presented the news in Russia and has volunteered for Mother Teresa.  And throughout, written words have found her in a leprosy hospital, an ashram and a noisy newsroom – to name a few. She’d love to share the story of The 12 Stamps Project with your students, friends and colleagues, presenting engaging stories to the impact of letters and what they have meant to her and others.  It can also be used in creative writing class and even as an element to help fight bullying (children who suffer bullying are often isolated). Alicia is based in Houston, and speaks throughout the US and internationally. Email her at:

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